Wednesday, May 13, 2020



To view my model on Sketchup search 'Bridge UNSW Campus' on 3D Warehouse

Here is a link on DropBox


Here is the link to view my Lumion Environment on DropBox


Here is a link to my video on Youtube
Watch in HD


Images of Bridge Model

These rendered images of my model were selected as they exhibit the most attractive and striking components of my architectural school. 

These images showcase my theory of the connection between the symmetry, essence and sustainability of nature and its connection to architecture and design. Following the form and function of nature can solve design problems as well as inspire future design ideas. 

I found nature and a university to intertwine and complement each other nicely as nature is ever-growing and constantly developing so too is the knowledge and skills that are learned at a university.  

The curvaceous form of the floor plans resembles those of branches as they outreach across the campus allowing students and staff to walk throughout the university campus. The pattern on the roof follows the function of leaves and acts as a cover over the students and staff in the rooms underneath it. The wooden finish on the walls of the rooms mimics the bark that wraps around a tree, protecting its enclosures like a tree protects its nutrients within. 

The openness of my design is to communicate fluidity, learning and growth. It is a space that maximizes sunlight as a form of natural light, this is done to mimic the process of photosynthesis which is nature's way of growth through natural sunlight. My idea of a school or learning environment is for it to be open, airy, inspiring and endless, similar to the ever-growing form of nature itself. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020




My idea came from the idea of leaves as a function of cover or shade from rain or sun. It provides a more closed space as the leaves cover over like a cloth over the tree trunks. I also took note of the sunlight that filtered through the leaves creating a striking effect and a beautiful use of natural light.

Here is my SketchUp model of leaves as a roof. I created it with spaces cut in it to allow sunlight to filter through. 


I took the concept of a tree trunk of a tree as a function of stability and grounding and a way to hold up the branches. I utilized this concept in my design as a structural pole holding up the floor plan. 


Flowers have a fundamental function to plants and trees as they ensure reproduction. Flowers enable plants to reproduce, and their colours and shapes facilitate pollination, seed growth, and seed dispersal. Petals are also a form of protection of the nutrients inside the flowers. I found this concept of a flower blossoming unique and striking.

I tried to simulate this idea and I created a study pod where students can go study in a more quiet location. My movement within this is that the petals open and close like a door but also similar to their blossoming process

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Movement 1

My idea came from the movement of the leaves in the wind. 

My first movement is the opening and closing of the windows on the roof and sides to maximize or reduce sunlight into the room

Final Rendered Video of the movement 

Movement 2

My idea came from the opening and closing of a flower bud as this links to my theory of biomimicry. 

I created a study pod for students to go learn in a more quiet space. These pods open and close on arrival and the user has the choice of keeping them open or closed for a more private space. 

Movement 3

This elevator allows movement and access to and between all the levels. I made it circular in shape to follow the form and fluidity of the design of the building. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020



Words: Linear, Scalar, Rotational, Sporadic, Fluid, Diffuse

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Monday, April 6, 2020


My theory 

Art, Architecture, Nature

An artistic interpretation and mimicking of nature complement the essence, symmetry, and sustainability of the natural world and offers insight into the framework of natural movement and structural design. 

After selecting these words I decided to explore deeper into biomimicry. 

These are images I captured of trees around my house to further investigate their branches. As a result of this, I have identified these branches as having a similar form and structure of a bridge. 

Inspiration from Russell's Powerpoint

Guggenheim Museam by Frnk Ghery

Plan of Guggenheim Museum 

Hand drawn Plan of Guggenheim Museum

Plans in Section

Sunday, March 29, 2020